Trust Center

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Welcome to Novogradac & Company's Trust Center.

Novogradac values the trust that our clients have placed in us to safeguard their data, and we take that responsibility seriously. We have implemented security and compliance controls and programs to help protect the continued integrity and confidentiality of our clients’ data and the continuity of our services.

The Novogradac Trust Center provides access to security, compliance, and privacy documentation, as well as other relevant policies and information.


Trust Center Updates

CrowdStrike Incident Summary

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On July 18, major security software vendor CrowdStrike released an update to their EDR software that caused widespread outages around the world. Novogradac and several of its third-party technology providers use this software. The faulty release impacted less than 10% of Novogradac's endpoints. Novogradac IT personnel responded quickly and were able to restore nearly all affected systems by end of day on July 19 with no material impact to the delivery of services to our clients. All affected third-party software providers similarly restored services to Novogradac within the same time frame.

We do not anticipate any further disruptions from this incident.

Published at N/A

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